I’ve enjoyed being a Diamond partner due to the unrivalled customer service I’ve received from Radi and Mel. These two ladies are the true diamonds as they endured great pains in ensuring we do not miss out on events, as well as facilitating quality interactions between members. Moreover, people do not realise the effort involved in event organisations where every minute detail of catering, drinks, venue choice, speaker and decorations are being thought of time and time again. Throw in the endless unpredictable nature of COVID, this brings difficulties to the next level. Hence this is why I appreciate being part of this special organisation and recommend like-minded business owners to join.
We have been a WSBA Gold member now for over ten years and have recently taken up the opportunity to become a Diamond member. The value proposition to become a Diamond member was very strong including attendances at WSBA events and ongoing exposure for our business through the various marketing platforms utilised by the WSBA. Well done to the WSBA team! Mark Hann, Tactica Partners